In a recent episode of the Direct Private Investments Show presented by Carofin, Matt Brown and Bruce Roberts, a seasoned investor in both private equity and lending markets, demystify the world of private securities. This article explores the key differences...
Over the years, Bruce Roberts, CEO of Carofin, has evaluated thousands of investment opportunities. He is frequently asked why one gets the thumbs up, where most others he passes on. What characteristics does he look for?...
Any organization, if it’s destined to last, needs a leader who, as the saying goes, can’t lead from the rear. This article, taken from a wide-ranging conversation between Matt Brown and Bruce Roberts, Carofin’s CEO, from the Direct Private Investments Show, talks...
Understanding Risks in Private Placements Introduction On a recent episode of the Direct Private Investments Show, we dove into a discussion with industry experts, Bruce Smith and Josh Greene, examining some of the risks associated with private placements. From ...
The Direct Private Investments Show Timestamps: 0:00:26 – 1:47 Defining venture and private equity 00:01:48 – 2:14 The framework for evaluating venture deals: 9 Leaps of Faith 00:02:16 – 4:12 Importance of management, experience, and perseverance...