Carofin’s Year To Remember

2022 was, in many ways, a validation of internal investments in technology and process management.  It also helped set the direction of where we’re going as an operating company.

Here are the results:

  • Total from Investors: $96,388,000
  • Number of Meaningful Investments: 33
  • Companies Provided Vital Capital: 24

Industries included: MedTech, Aviation, Agriculture, Mining, B2B Consumer Products, Software, Food Production and Distribution, InfoTech, Real Estate, Cosmetics, and Electric-Powered Transportation.

Our taglin e is Meaningful Investments — Vital Capital.  We believe that the companies we support represent meaningful investments … we know they needed the funding! We believe equally that the companies we’ve financed are making important contributions into society which only the private capital markets can fund.

We are now working on financing assignments, offering a substantially greater volume of investment opportunities, that we look forward to showing you in the weeks and months to come.

If you follow our Carofin News and Views newsletter, you’ll know that we’re also expanding our merchant banking activity.  Here we take on significant equity participations in a day-to-day role in certain companies.  This is making us better bankers as we develop a greater appreciation for the many details and nuances that successful companies must address.  This is, likewise, leading us to take more prominent financial management role or, at least, to better ensure the companies we finance have made an adequate investment in the financial controls.

Carofin’s investments are, by definition, high-risk / potentially high return potential investment opportunities.  Our goal, every day, is to beat the odds inherent in small- and medium-sized business investments.

For more information, please join us here.





In the interest of accessibility, here are some terms that any investor should be familiary with.