(Index) Personal Considerations for Alternative Investments
Considerations for Family Offices in Direct Private Investing

Considerations for Family Offices in Direct Private Investing

Why Direct Private Investing (DPI)? More and more family offices are including Direct Private Investing in their overall investment portfolio. DPI means investing directly in the equity or debt of a private company (the “issuer”).  Thus, the investors have complete control over what issuers they support, and the returns from the investment are specifically tied to the performance of those...

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Announcing Major Enhancements for Carofin Investors! 

Announcing Major Enhancements for Carofin Investors! 

Carofin is pleased to announce that you now have a complete view of your Carofin investments. Thanks to significant platform enhancements, you have secure access to comprehensive records across your portfolio of private Carofin investments. The Investor Dashboard presents your investment history (including cash flows) as well as issuer updates.     You can access the exclusive,...

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Reducing Expenses and Minimizing Taxes

Reducing Expenses and Minimizing Taxes

Last week, my daughter asked for advice (obviously, she’s no longer a teenager): how can I balance my budget? I told her, among other tips, to control two things – reduce your expenses and minimize your taxes. What works for my family works for others.  That’s why Carofin encourages setting up a Self-Directed IRA custodian account to consider investing in private placements, if allowed, through...

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First Principles (#2):  What Opportunity is being pursued?

First Principles (#2): What Opportunity is being pursued?

Consistency is critical in our business. When it comes to investment analysis, this “First Principle” – “What primary business opportunity is the issuer pursuing?” – is the first question successful investors apply in their consistent approach to company analyses. Have you adopted this principle?    Identifying the fundamental rationale for an enterprise is central to helping retain your focus...

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Are You About to Become “Accredited?”

Are You About to Become “Accredited?”

On August 26, 2020, the SEC adopted amendment to the “Accredited Investor” definition, which determines who can participate in most offerings in the private capital markets. While the definition historically limited access to individual investors who met a specific income or net worth test, the amended definition now allows investors with sufficient knowledge and expertise to participate in...

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A Time for “Meaningful Investments”

A Time for “Meaningful Investments”

The COVID years are proving to be a time for reflection – a relatively chaotic period that’s forcing us, both personally and professionally, to reconsider how and why we conduct our lives the way we do. Your investments are, obviously, an important reflection of your values and priorities. What Carofin offers, and why we hope you will be attracted to the companies we represent, is captured in...

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Accredited Investor Verification Guidelines

Accredited Investor Verification Guidelines

The following outlines the different approaches required for Investors to qualify as Accredited Investors under Rules 506(b) and 506(c). As of September 23, 2013, all Investors participating as Accredited Investors in Regulation D, Rule 506(c) and Rule 506(b) Private Placements must verify that their financial status qualifies them as an Accredited Investor.  The manner in which they verify...

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Taking your retirement by the reins: What is a Self-Directed IRA?

Taking your retirement by the reins: What is a Self-Directed IRA?

By James Jones | CEO of IRAeXchange.net  I’ve spent a lot of time in and around IRAs and Self-Directed IRA or “SDIRA,” writing books, speeches, and, generally, educating folks on the topic.   Inevitably, when people get a chance to engage with me after a panel discussions or other presentation, they ask questions.  Shockingly, they are often CEOs, Fund Managers, and other financial...

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In the interest of accessibility, here are some terms that any investor should be familiary with.